
Sarimah last for only few years with her husband 

    Normally children who are born from mixed marriage family would have problem in using their mother tongue. For example, in a family where the father is a Chinese and the mother is an Indian, so their child might know how to speak Mandarin or Kantonis only but don’t know Tamil.
     For those partners in mixed marriage, it would be hard for them to express their feelings through the language as their mother tongues are different. Some of them are used to communicate in their mother tongues. When misunderstanding occurs caused by the language problem, they might always quarrel. Further-more, different language might also influence their pronunciation.
  Another interesting phenomenon is the increasing number of Eurasians in Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur. Born of mixed marriages between Malaysians and Westerners. Normally, they are communicate in English, but Malaysians usually speaking in ‘Manglish’ like ‘you go to eat first la’. Sometime westerners find it difficult to understand there are alsodifferences in communication between Westernes and Malaysian. For example kissing goodbye is common manners for Westerners but for Malaysians is not suitable.

     Beside of these disadvantages in mix marriage, there are also benefits. According to Tan Sri Abdul Talib a child from mix marriage will have a high level of intelligent. This is because the children have a great mix of DNA from their mother and father ancestor. Beside intelligent, mix marriage can also produce a beautiful and good looking child because of the mix blood from their mother and father. This child will have a bright future in entertainment and modeling business because they are unique and different from our local people. For examples the child from mix marriage between Asian and Europe people are called pan Asian. Pan Asian are really popular in our entertainment business. Many actor and actress in Malaysia are pan Asian like Sofea Jane and Harith Iskandar.

      As a conclusion, at the very beginning of mix marriage a lots of problems might occurs. This problem can be solve gradually by building the chemistry between the couple. They must spend more time together and be more communicative so that the relation gets better and to understand each other move.

hariths' wedding which got into many conflicts

ashraf sinclair who has mix communication with BCL's family